colored stripe


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Thank you!
Carolyn Steiber

Looks Good! Are there more pictures to come? Can't wait to see them.
Sara Thompson

Thank You!
Shari Lawson

Thank You!

I love the fact that we have a local museum close to the downtown area! Local school children have joined in our quest for clues in the mystery game we hold in the summertime. Local businesses have donated items as prizes for the kids. Since I help at the local library, I have suggested to the kids to come see our treasure. I have seen many of them, since they were 3 to 5 years old,now 5 years later still coming to the museum to see what's new(and for the candy donated by Helen). Thank You!
Shari Lawson

Want a quick and easy way to support the Guardians? We have just signed up for Amazon Smiles. If you put in you will be taken to and asked if you want to support the Guardians. Please say yes, and Amazon will donate .05 percent of your purchase to the Guardians. It doesn't add to your purchase it is just a way for Amazon to give back to non-profits. Start donating to us today. Thanks,
Julie Thompson

**NEW**NEW**NEW**NEW Guardian member, Maureen Ballistella has made a new searchable website that will be linked to our page. The site includes Eagle Point Museum research information about pioneer families, interviews about the history of Eagle Point, Eagle Point School District history and much, much more. Check it out on our links page; New City of Eagle Point Link.
Julie Thompson